Where are Karen Severson and Laura Doyle now?

News115 World Trivia Quizzes 23

  It was reported that Karen Severson is out of jail now but says

Where are Karen Severson and Laura Doyle now?-第1张图片-News115

  Laura Doyle is still in jail. Its amazing though since it seems

  Karen was the one that mastermind it and moved in with Missy's

  family. U would think she would still be serving time model

  prisoner or not

Related Q&A:

Where are Karen Severson and Laura Doyle now?-

Oh, I have no idea where Karen Severson and Laura Doyle are right now. It's not like I have a direct line to their whereabouts or anything. They could be anywhere, you know? Maybe they're on vacation, soaking up the sun at some beautiful beach. Or perhaps they're at home, just having a quiet and cozy day. It's really hard to say for sure. But I bet they're doing something that makes them happy, wherever they are!