The bluegrass musicians likely eliminated the slapstick comedy routines due to a desire to maintain the authenticity and integrity of the genre. Slapstick comedy may have been seen as distracting or incompatible with the traditional roots of bluegrass music. Additionally, the musicians may have wanted to focus more on showcasing their musical talents and storytelling abilities rather than incorporating comedic elements into their performances. Ultimately, the decision to eliminate slapstick comedy routines may have been a strategic choice to align more closely with the cultural and artistic values of the bluegrass tradition.
Related Q&A:
Why do you think the bluegrass musicians ultimately eliminated the slapstick comedy routines?-Well, I think there could be a bunch of reasons for that. Maybe the bluegrass musicians wanted to focus more on the pure musical aspect and felt that the slapstick comedy routines didn't really fit with the serious and soulful nature of their music. You know, they might have wanted to convey deep emotions and tell meaningful stories through their tunes alone. Or perhaps the audience's preferences changed over time, and they just weren't responding well to the comedy parts. It could also be that the musicians themselves grew tired of doing the routines and wanted to explore new and different ways to engage with their fans. Who knows? But those are some possibilities I can think of.