I was playing Baseball and slid into home plate. As I walked back to the dugout, I could hear that the people in the stands sounded wildly enthusiastic. I thought that they were cheering the fact that I'd made it home, so I I just looked at them all and smiled, soaking in all the attention. I didn't realize until I sat back down in the dugout that I'd actually ripped my pants as I slid into home plate. The crowd in the stands hadn't been cheering to congratulate me. they'd been laughing at me cause my Pokémon boxer briefs were now exposed. I should point out that I was 16 years old, way too old to have on Pokémon underwear.
Related Q&A:
What is a REALLY embarrassing moments?-Oh gosh, there are so many embarrassing moments that come to mind! One that stands out for me was when I was giving a presentation in front of a big group of people and I completely forgot what I was supposed to say. I just stood there, stuttering and feeling my face turn bright red. Everyone was looking at me, and I wanted to disappear. It was so awkward and I felt like such a fool. Ugh, I still cringe when I think about it!