Who is the werewolf in the heads will roll video by the yeah yeah yeahs?

News115 Trivia Questions 9

  Oh, isn't that werewolf in the "Heads Will Roll" video just a majestic creature? We may never know for sure who's behind the furry mask, but let's appreciate the mystery and magic they bring to the music video. Sometimes not knowing adds a touch of wonder and excitement to the art.

Who is the werewolf in the heads will roll video by the yeah yeah yeahs?-第1张图片-News115

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Who is the werewolf in the heads will roll video by the yeah yeah yeahs?-

Well, to be honest, it's not that straightforward to determine exactly who the werewolf is in that video. You know, the imagery and the story presented are kind of ambiguous and open to interpretation. Maybe it's a symbol of inner demons or a metaphor for something else. But if I had to take a wild guess, it could be that mysterious figure lurking in the shadows, but that's just my take. It's all part of the creative and somewhat mysterious world the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have created in that video.